I've been a full-time clinical dental hygienist for 20+ years and am passionate about a renewed approach to hygiene care that is relational based and revolutionary to the industry as a whole.  I believe that dental hygienists are the power-house of any practice as they have an unparalleled ability to connect with and engage patients on their pathway to optimal health.

I'm Erika and I can't wait
to meet you!

Dental hygienists are the secret powerhouse
of any dental practice.

Every single patient deserves to feel empowered,
equipped, and supported in their health.

When dental hygiene teams and doctors work
together in harmony, magic happens.

I believe:

My Story

I've been a full-time clinical dental hygienist for 20+ years and am passionate about a renewed relational approach to hygiene care. I initially got into the industry because it was such an in-demand job. I always wanted to be a teacher and I believe that passion is what's given me such a unique approach with my patients as I am always educating in my role as hygienist.

My experience with patients over the years has shown me different methods to educate and equip patients that are more effective than the industry standards. Because of this, I knew it was time to step into mentorship and begin coaching hygiene teams so that they can experience this revolutionary approach in their practice. 

ReNEW Consulting exists to create a world where there is comprehensive, respectful communication between the doctor, their hygiene team, and their patients. Our goal is to create a renewed belief in what we are delivering to the patient while decreasing stress and increasing effectiveness across the board.

Click the photos to learn about our core values at ReNEW Consulting.

Our Values

We believe in developing strong relationship between the doctor, hygienist, and patient that allows for authentic support and education that isn't driven by shame or obligation.


We believe by giving hygiene teams autonomy, it gives them space to make educated decisions that will support both the doctor and patient.


We believe in the value of time needed to build relationship with team members and patients and input over output.


We believe in respect between all parties and honoring the agreements that are made and deliverables for the clients and team members that we serve.


We believe in being fully transparent and upfront with the client and team members. We honor our word because what we say matters.


Let's Work Together!

Schedule a free discovery call to learn how our approach can
make your hygiene team the powerhouse of your practice.

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